艾达币未来能涨- 爬墙专用加速器

I am currently a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Quantum in Redmond, WA.
Area of research: I am a theoretical computer scientist and my primary area of research is quantum algorithms and complexity theory.
I have worked extensively on quantum algorithms for simulating the dynamics of physical systems, which is perhaps the most promising application of quantum computers.
I have also worked on quantum algorithms for linear algebraic, graph theoretic, combinatorial, and machine learning problems, and
on algorithms and lower bounds in (quantum and classical) query complexity, communication complexity, and circuit complexity.
Past positions and education: I was a postdoctoral associate at the Center for Theoretical Physics at MIT. I received an M.Math and Ph.D. at the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science and 咔么租赁电脑版下载_咔么租赁电脑版官方下载「含模拟器」 ...:2021-2-29 · 咔么租赁电脑版是一款热门的购物消费软件,功能齐全,操作简单流畅,具备良好的用户体验。本站提供咔么租赁电脑版下载。影视器材共享租赁 ... at the 能上picacg的梯子. I received a B.Tech at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Service: I have served on the program committees of the following conferences:
FOCS 2024, QIP 2024, QIP 2024, 哔咔加速器免费,
QIP 2017
艾达币未来能涨- 爬墙专用加速器
My Microsoft Research profile. My Google Scholar page.
Microsoft email (use for Microsoft-related or research-related email): ⟨robin.kothari|microsoft|com⟩
Personal email (use for personal or research-related email): ⟨robin|robinkothari|com⟩
艾达币未来能涨- 爬墙专用加速器
All my publications are available on the arXiv.-
Quantum Implications of Huang's Sensitivity Theorem
Scott Aaronson, Shalev Ben-David, Robin Kothari, and Avishay Tal
Quantum Coupon Collector
Srinivasan Arunachalam, Aleksandrs Belovs, Andrew M. Childs, Robin Kothari, Ansis Rosmanis, and Ronald de Wolf
In the proceedinds of the 15th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2024).
[arXiv:2002.07688] [TQC 2024]
Quantum Lower Bounds for Approximate Counting via Laurent Polynomials
Scott Aaronson, Robin Kothari, William Kretschmer, and Justin Thaler
Presented at the 23rd Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2024).
To be presented at Computational Complexity Conference (CCC 2024).
[arXiv:1904.08914] [QIP 2024 Video]
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Adam Bene Watts, Robin Kothari, Luke Schaeffer, and Avishay Tal
Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2024).
Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2024), pp 515–526 (2024).
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Quantum distinguishing complexity, zero-error algorithms, and statistical zero knowledge
Shalev Ben-David and Robin Kothari
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[arXiv:1902.03660] [TQC 2024] [TQC 2024 Video]
Quantum algorithms and approximating polynomials for composed functions with shared inputs
Mark Bun, Robin Kothari, and Justin Thaler
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[arXiv:1809.02254] [SODA 2024]
Classical lower bounds from quantum upper bounds
Shalev Ben-David, Adam Bouland, Ankit Garg, and Robin Kothari
Presented at the 21th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2018).
Proceedings of the 59th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2018), pp. 339–349 (2018).
[arXiv:1807.06256] [FOCS 2018]
Quantum algorithm for simulating real time evolution of lattice Hamiltonians
Jeongwan Haah, Matthew B. Hastings, Robin Kothari, and Guang Hao Low
Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2024) as a plenary talk (speaker: Jeongwan Haah).
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[arXiv:1801.03922] [FOCS 2018]
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Mark Bun, Robin Kothari, and Justin Thaler
Presented at the 21th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2018) as a plenary talk (speaker: Robin Kothari).
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2018), pp. 297–310 (2018).
[arXiv:1710.09079] [ECCC TR17-169] [STOC 2018] [QIP 2018 Video]
Separating quantum communication and approximate rank
Anurag Anshu, Shalev Ben-David, Ankit Garg, Rahul Jain, Robin Kothari, and Troy Lee
To be presented at the 21th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2018).
32nd Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC 2017), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 79, pp. 24:1–24:33 (2017).
[arXiv:1611.05754] [CCC 2016]
Randomized query complexity of sabotaged and composed functions
Shalev Ben-David and Robin Kothari
43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2016), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 55, 60:1–60:14 (2016).
Theory of Computing, Volume 14(5), pp. 1-27, 2018.
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Separations in communication complexity using cheat sheets and information complexity
Anurag Anshu, Aleksandrs Belovs, Shalev Ben-David, Mika Göös, Rahul Jain, Robin Kothari, Troy Lee, Miklos Santha
Presented at the 20th Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2017).
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Andris Ambainis, Martins Kokainis, and Robin Kothari
31st Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC 2016), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 50, pp. 4:1–4:14 (2016).
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Quantum linear systems algorithm with exponentially improved dependence on precision
Andrew M. Childs, Robin Kothari, and Rolando D. Somma
Presented at the 19th Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2016) as a contributed talk (speaker: Robin Kothari)
SIAM Journal on Computing, 46(6), 1920–1950 (2017).
[arXiv:1511.02306] [SIAM Journal on Computing] [Video from a talk at QuICS] [QIP 2016 Video: Part 1 Part 2 ]
Separations in query complexity using cheat sheets
Scott Aaronson, Shalev Ben-David, and Robin Kothari
Presented at the 19th Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2016) as a plenary talk (speaker: Shalev Ben-David)
Proceedings of the 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2016), pp. 863–876 (2016).
[arXiv:1511.01937] 哔咔可用的加速器 [STOC 2016]
Separating decision tree complexity from subcube partition complexity
Robin Kothari, David Racicot-Desloges, and Miklos Santha
Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques (APPROX/RANDOM 2015), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 40, pp. 915–930 (2015).
能上picacg的梯子 [RANDOM 2015]
Hamiltonian simulation with nearly optimal dependence on all parameters
Dominic W. Berry, Andrew M. Childs, and Robin Kothari
Presented at the 18th Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2015) as a contributed talk (speaker: Dominic Berry)
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2015), pp. 792–809 (2015).
[arXiv:1501.01715] [FOCS 2015]
Simulating Hamiltonian dynamics with a truncated Taylor series
Dominic W. Berry, Andrew M. Childs, Richard Cleve, Robin Kothari, and Rolando D. Somma
Physical Review Letters 114, 090502 (2015)
[arXiv:1412.4687] 能上picacg的梯子
Exponential improvement in precision for simulating sparse Hamiltonians
Dominic W. Berry, Andrew M. Childs, Richard Cleve, Robin Kothari, and Rolando D. Somma
Presented at the 17th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2014) as a contributed talk (speaker: Robin Kothari)
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Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 5, e8 (2017).
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An optimal quantum algorithm for the oracle identification problem
Robin Kothari
Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2014), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 25, pp. 482–493 (2014).
[arXiv:1311.7685] [STACS 2014]
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Alessandro Cosentino, Robin Kothari, and Adam Paetznick
8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2013), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 22, pp. 80–92 (2013).
[arXiv:1304.5164] [TQC 2013]
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Andrew M. Childs, Robin Kothari, Maris Ozols, and Martin Roetteler
8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2013), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 22, pp. 50–79 (2013).
[arXiv:1304.4642] [TQC 2013]
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Andrew M. Childs, Stacey Jeffery, Robin Kothari, and Frédéric Magniez
Merged with arXiv:1302.3143 by Aleksandrs Belovs for ICALP 2013.
Proceedings of the 40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2013), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7965, pp. 105–122 (2013).
[ICALP 2013]
Nested quantum walks with quantum data structures
Stacey Jeffery, Robin Kothari, and Frédéric Magniez
Presented at the 17th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2014) as a contributed talk, combined with the above paper (arXiv:1302.7316). (speaker: Stacey Jeffery)
Proceedings of the 24th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2013), pp. 1474–1485 (2013).
[arXiv:1210.1199] [SODA 2013]
- Improving Quantum Query Complexity of Boolean Matrix Multiplication Using Graph Collision
Stacey Jeffery, Robin Kothari, and Frédéric Magniez
Proceedings of the 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7391, pp. 522–532 (2012).
哔咔可用的加速器, 76:1, pp. 1–16 (2016).
[arXiv:1112.5855] [ICALP 2012] [Algorithmica]
- The quantum query complexity of read-many formulas
Andrew M. Childs, Shelby Kimmel, and Robin Kothari
Proceedings of the 20th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7501, pp. 337–348 (2012).
[arXiv:1112.0548] [ESA 2012]
- Quantum query complexity of minor-closed graph properties
Andrew M. Childs and Robin Kothari
Presented at the 14th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2011) as a contributed talk (speaker: Robin Kothari)
Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2011), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 9, pp. 661–672 (2011).
SIAM Journal on Computing, 41(6), 1426–1450 (2012).
[arXiv:1011.1443] [STACS 2011] [QIP 2011: Abstract|Slides|哔咔加速器免费] [SIAM Journal on Computing]
- Simulating sparse Hamiltonians with star decompositions
Andrew M. Childs and Robin Kothari
解决百度云下载缓慢问题_dazhong2021的专栏-CSDN博客:2021-7-31 · 要说国内百度当前最好用的工具,只剩下百度云了,但是百度云现在下载简直是龟速。今天就给大家解决这个龟速下载问题。简单介绍一下我伔的工具1.油猴脚本管理器油猴脚本管理器(Tampermonkey)是一款免费的浏览器扩展和最为流行的用户脚本管理器,它适用于Chrome,MicrosoftEdge,Safari,OperaNext,和Firefox。, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 能上picacg的梯子, pp. 94–103 (2011).
[arXiv:1003.3683] [TQC 2010]
- Limitations on the simulation of non-sparse Hamiltonians
Andrew M. Childs and Robin Kothari
Quantum Information and Computation 10, 669–684 (2010).
[arXiv:0908.4398] [Quantum Information and Computation]
- Dissipation in circuit quantum electrodynamics: lasing and cooling of a low-frequency oscillator
Julian Hauss, Arkady Fedorov, Stephan André, Valentina Brosco, Carsten Hutter, Robin Kothari, Sunil Yeshwanth, Alexander Shnirman, and Gerd Schön
New Journal of Physics 10 095018 (2008).
[arXiv:0806.1298] [New Journal of Physics]
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- Quantum algorithms for matrix multiplication and product verification
Robin Kothari and Ashwin Nayak
In Ming-Yang Kao, editor, Encyclopedia of Algorithms, pp. 1673–1677. Springer New York, 2016.
[Springer] [Draft PDF]
- Efficient algorithms in quantum query complexity
Robin Kothari
PhD thesis (2014)
[University of Waterloo's Institutional Repository] 哔咔漫画用免费加速器
In this thesis we provide new upper and lower bounds on the quantum query complexity of a diverse set of problems. Specifically, we study quantum algorithms for Hamiltonian simulation, matrix multiplication, oracle identification, and graph-property recognition. For the Hamiltonian simulation problem, we provide a quantum algorithm with query complexity sublogarithmic in the inverse error, an exponential improvement over previous methods. Our algorithm is based on a new quantum algorithm for implementing unitary matrices that can be written as linear combinations of efficiently implementable unitary gates. This algorithm uses a new form of ``oblivious amplitude amplification'' that can be applied even though the reflection about the input state is unavailable. In the oracle identification problem, we are given oracle access to an unknown N-bit string x promised to belong to a known set of size M, and our task is to identify x. We present the first quantum algorithm for the problem that is optimal in its dependence on N and M. Our algorithm is based on ideas from classical learning theory and a new composition theorem for solutions of the filtered gamma_2-norm semidefinite program. We then study the quantum query complexity of matrix multiplication and related problems over rings, semirings, and the Boolean semiring in particular. Our main result is an output-sensitive algorithm for Boolean matrix multiplication that multiplies two n x n Boolean matrices with query complexity O(n sqrt{l}), where l is the sparsity of the output matrix. The algorithm is based on a reduction to the graph collision problem and a new algorithm for graph collision. Finally, we study the quantum query complexity of minor-closed graph properties and show that most minor-closed properties---those that cannot be characterized by a finite set of forbidden subgraphs---have quantum query complexity Theta(n^{3/2}) and those that do have such a characterization can be solved strictly faster, with o(n^{3/2}) queries. Our lower bound is based on a detailed analysis of the structure of minor-closed properties with respect to forbidden topological minors and forbidden subgraphs. Our algorithms are a novel application of the quantum walk search framework and give improved upper bounds for several subgraph-finding problems.
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Robin Kothari
Master's thesis (2010)
[University of Waterloo's Institutional Repository] 能上picacg的梯子
The problem considered in this thesis is the following: We are given a Hamiltonian H and time t, and our goal is to approximately implement the unitary oper$ algorithm. We present an efficient algorithm for simulating sparse Hamiltonians. In terms of the maximum degree d and dimension N of the space on which the $ (d^2(d+log^* N)||Ht||)^{1+o(1)} queries. This improves the complexity of the sparse Hamiltonian simulation algorithm of Berry, Ahokas, Cleve, and Sanders, w$ N)||Ht||)^{1+o(1)}. In terms of the parameter t, these algorithms are essentially optimal due to a no--fast-forwarding theorem. In the second part of this t$ and show significant limitations on their simulation. We generalize the no--fast-forwarding theorem to dense Hamiltonians, and rule out generic simulations $ not a unique measure of the size of a dense Hamiltonian H. We also present a stronger limitation ruling out the possibility of generic simulations taking ti$ simulations based on discrete-time quantum walks cannot be dramatically improved in general. We also show some positive results about simulating structured $